Spotlight on..............Rose Merton
Rose was born in Hilversum in the Netherlands as the eldest of 4 children. She started sewing at an early age as her mother used to be a tailor and there were always bits of fabric and thread in the house. She sewed on her mum’s sewing machine making doll’s clothes when very young and upcycled garments in her teenage years. She trained and worked as a pharmacist’s assistant studying chemistry, physics and Latin. In 1971 she came to England for a few months to improve her English with the intention to then also live and work in Germany and France for a few months to improve her knowledge of those languages. However, she met her husband when working in London and the rest is history. While living in London she worked for a South African bank in the city as a money dealer as she speaks several languages. After getting married she moved to Felixstowe in 1976 and carried on stitching mainly making clothes for herself and her 2 children and other domestic sewing. In the 1990’s she ...